Auction start (GMT +0)
30.08.2023 14:40
Auction end (GMT +0)
01.09.2023 13:36
Current price
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Auction start (GMT +0)
30.08.2023 14:40
Auction end (GMT +0)
01.09.2023 13:36
Important note:
This stock is sold on behalf of a customer and we expressly reserve the right not to release the stock if the customer has not achieved their minimum price.
Device condition:
- Original Packaging: 100%
- Accessories: 100%
- Net-Lock: No
- Cloud Lock: No
- Software Branding: No
- Hardware Branding: No
- Missing Components: No
- EAN’s: Black: 256GB 8806094504682, Green: 256Gb 8806094504996, Black: 512GB 8806094504620
Additional info for EU customers:
- 0 devices will be sold per VAT margin scheme (Differenzbesteuert, IVA REBU)
- For 110 pcs: German buyers will be invoiced additionally with 3€ per piece on top of their highest bid as a Service Fee (Copyright & handling).
Logistic information:
- Warehouse: Munich
- Incoterm CIP 2010
- EU companies: delivery to your company address
- Non-EU companies: delivery to your nearest airport
- Transport costs will be added to the auction result
Commercial Conditions:
- Pre-payment in full
- No warranty: devices are sold as is without sellers warranty from Foxway Germany GmbH
Sebastian Streckenbach
Sales Specialist
Auction start (GMT +0)
30.08.2023 14:40
Auction end (GMT +0)
01.09.2023 13:36
Important note:
This stock is sold on behalf of a customer and we expressly reserve the right not to release the stock if the customer has not achieved their minimum price.
Device condition:
- Original Packaging: 100%
- Accessories: 100%
- Net-Lock: No
- Cloud Lock: No
- Software Branding: No
- Hardware Branding: No
- Missing Components: No
- EAN’s: Black: 256GB 8806094504682, Green: 256Gb 8806094504996, Black: 512GB 8806094504620
Additional info for EU customers:
- 0 devices will be sold per VAT margin scheme (Differenzbesteuert, IVA REBU)
- For 110 pcs: German buyers will be invoiced additionally with 3€ per piece on top of their highest bid as a Service Fee (Copyright & handling).
Logistic information:
- Warehouse: Munich
- Incoterm CIP 2010
- EU companies: delivery to your company address
- Non-EU companies: delivery to your nearest airport
- Transport costs will be added to the auction result
Commercial Conditions:
- Pre-payment in full
- No warranty: devices are sold as is without sellers warranty from Foxway Germany GmbH
Sebastian Streckenbach
Sales Specialist