Airpods for Refurbishing #985
  • Consumer Electronics & accessories
  • Headphones
  • Quantity


  • Auction start (GMT +0)

    06.09.2022 08:50

  • Auction end (GMT +0)

    08.09.2022 12:20

  • Current price


  • Min bid step


Please log in to bid

  • Quantity


  • Auction start (GMT +0)

    06.09.2022 08:50

  • Auction end (GMT +0)

    08.09.2022 12:20

Auction info
  • No warranty.
  • Only one of the defects is listed, defects amount is not limited.
  • All units have gone through datawipe.
  • All products are physically in stock and ready to ship.
  • Shipping cost will be added to the Price of the Batch.

Contact person

Aadi Jürmann

Mobile Sales Team Lead

  • +372 56976469
  • Quantity


  • Auction start (GMT +0)

    06.09.2022 08:50

  • Auction end (GMT +0)

    08.09.2022 12:20

Auction info
  • No warranty.
  • Only one of the defects is listed, defects amount is not limited.
  • All units have gone through datawipe.
  • All products are physically in stock and ready to ship.
  • Shipping cost will be added to the Price of the Batch.

Contact person

Aadi Jürmann

Mobile Sales Team Lead

  • +372 56976469